Carolina Hypnosis Network
A Consortium of Certified Hypnotists and Hypnosis Instructors in North Carolina and Beyond
We are a consortium of hypnotists and hypnosis instructors certified by professional organizations listed below. Members of these organizations adhere to a Code of Ethics and Standards, and are expected to complete annual continuing education credits.
The National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH)
The International Association of Counselors and Therapists (IACT)
The International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association (IMDHA)
OMNI Hypnosis Training Center
The Hypnosis Motivation Institute.
What is hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a state of quiet, focused awareness where you become more suggestible. Despite the name "hypnosis" which comes from the Greek word for sleep, when you are hypnotized you will neither be asleep nor unconscious. Hypnosis is effective for a wide variety of issues.
What will my first hypnosis session be like?
You should contact individual hypnotists to discuss the structure of their hypnosis sessions, but typically the first session will include an intake interview where you can discuss the issue(s) you want to work on and the hypnotist will answer any questions or concerns you may have. This will be followed by hypnosis, which typically involves relaxing in a comfortable armchair, recliner, or on a couch, closing your eyes, and listening to the hypnotist talk.
Can anyone be hypnotized?
We all naturally go into altered states during the course of the day - daydreaming, "zoning out" during a meeting, highway hypnosis, becoming deeply absorbed in a book, movie, crossword puzzle, or video game, worrying... although we may not think of these as going into hypnosis, each of these experiences is an example of a hypnotic or trance state. In a clinical or office setting, most people are able to relax and follow the instructions of the hypnotist. Occasionally people may be afraid of losing control, or unable to relax, because of some misconception they have about hypnosis. Some people can enter a state of hypnosis that is so deep they can undergo surgery without anesthesia. To learn more, watch Dr. John Butler on YouTube as he undergoes hernia repair using only self-hypnosis!
Is hypnosis mind control?
Many people hold misconceptions about hypnosis from watching stage hypnotists on TV who appear to control their subjects and have them act foolishly. Remember that these people have volunteered to go up on stage and the hypnotist has selected the most highly hypnotizable subjects from the volunteers. Clinical hypnosis, in an office setting, is very different. You are in control and aware and will not do or say anything that you would not ordinarily do in an alert, wakeful state.
Is hypnosis dangerous?
Hypnosis is not dangerous. However, it could be misused or ineffective in the hands of an untrained practitioner. It is important to check the credentials of a practitioner before you become their client. Choosing a hypnotist from NC Triangle Hypnotists assures you of a professional and competent practitioner.
Do insurance companies cover hypnosis?
In North Carolina, only medically-trained personnel, social workers, and clinical psychologists may practice as "hypnotherapists." Despite the obvious benefits of, for example, quitting smoking or losing weight, certified hypnotists may only provide "non-therapeutic" services and therefore insurance companies will not cover their services. I suggest that you think of hypnosis as a service that you will pay for yourself.
Can children be hypnotized?
Yes, very easily! Children respond very well to hypnotic techniques and are less likely to have pre-conceived ideas about hypnosis. Most children walk around in a trance state, living in their imagination or fantasy worlds for much of the day.
Does hypnosis really work?
Yes! And there is a growing body of scientific research that provides evidence for its effectiveness. Hypnosis can help reduce or eliminate how pain is experienced, lessen the stress response, improve how your immune system functions, help to overcome compulsive or repetitive behaviors, and is a useful adjunct to treatments for many medical and psychological disorders and conditions.