Carolina Hypnosis Network
A Consortium of Certified Hypnotists and Hypnosis Instructors in North Carolina and Beyond
We are a consortium of hypnotists and hypnosis instructors certified by professional organizations listed below. Members of these organizations adhere to a Code of Ethics and Standards, and are expected to complete annual continuing education credits.
The National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH)
The International Association of Counselors and Therapists (IACT)
The International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association (IMDHA)
OMNI Hypnosis Training Center
The Hypnosis Motivation Institute.
Several of our Triangle Hypnotists are certified trainers with the National Guild of Hypnotists, the International Association of Counselors and Therapists, or both. The basic hypnotist certification course is a 100-hour program. Typically this consists of 75-80 hours in-person hours, and 15-20 hours of homework and pre-course prep. Some courses include supervised work with real clients. Since the pandemic has changed the way we practice, training has also moved online. See individual websites for program information.
If you would like to begin a brand new career as a hypnotist, add hypnosis to your existing health or wellness practice, or study hypnosis in-depth for personal growth or enhancement, contact the instructors directly to find the course that best suits your needs and schedule here:
Claire de la Varre, PhD, Positive Spiral Hypnosis, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Claire is a trainer with OMNI Hypnosis Training Center as well as the NGH. Courses are taught live in-person and can also be taken partly online. Course includes supervised practice with real clients, case studies, and exam.
H. Larry Elman & Cheryl Elman, Dave Elman Hypnosis Institute, Henderson, North Carolina
Betsy Lehman, Inner Gate Hypnosis, Greenville, North Carolina